
A Little Resource...

I just discovered the site SEO Chat that has some very useful links in their left sidebar... Guess I'll start a useful links roll tonight to add to this space, and continue to post on any resources that come my way. Excited to continue the conversation! There's got to be a formula (for those who want one) to this!
And yes, I had to include a photo with the post. Of course. Because this blogging thing sure gives me a headache some days... but I'm glad it's not just me! And pretty pictures always seem to help. If you have any other resources, please leave them in the comments!! (Thanks Kelly!)


Kelly Oshiro said...

From Emily's b-list handout: http://adglossary.com/

cassandra said...

thank you kelly!! will add this link to the list as well. any others you find, please send them along, or post them right here!

thelovelist said...

problogger.com is an excellent resource - darren is a genius

Bubblegum Smurf said...

PS I love Twoj Styl!